
Thursday, August 19, 2010

The best of times...the craziest of times!

Will life ever slow down? I'm beginning to think not!

Gone are the days of childhood when an afternoon felt like a year, and math class felt like and eternity. Now, an afternoon seems to happen in the blink of an eye, and a year flies by faster than I could have ever imagined it would.

We moved two months ago...and we just finally got the last of the organizing done and all...well, most, of the pictures up on the walls. Where has the time gone? It seemed like yesterday that we were making the millions of sweaty trips from the car to the house and from the condo to the new townhouse.

Our summer has been quite full. We moved, we went on vacation, we got sick on a tent (story for another time), we've started a monthly Wednesday night dinner and worship service, made new friends, visited old ones, I went on a women's retreat and somewhere in the middle of all of that I've found time to go to work!

In an effort to keep the pace of life going at the rate it has been, I'm searching for jobs for Mike. This is quite the undertaking, as there are few places where faculty positions are posted centrally. I've started casually looking, but in the next month or so, I'll begin 'the spreadsheet'!

So...for heart is thinking about next summer...but my brain is enjoying every moment of this rainy day in August!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to see that you started up again!!
    I know how time flies...add children to the mix of it all! We moved four months ago and still have to paint the kids rooms and don't have a single picture on the wall. So I think you're doing great! Sometimes it's so hard to "enjoy the moment" as we like to say when there is so much to think about for tomorrow.

    But I just read in the Gospel of Matthew last night not to worry about tomorrow for today has enought troubles of its own!
