
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

All I really want for Christmas... a snuggly, fluffy, gentle, loving dog.

I've wanted a dog for years. First, I couldn't have one because we lived in an apartment and besides...I was too practical to spend money on a dog when I knew we'd be having children in the next year or so.

Well...clearly that hasn't happened. So, I continued to want a dog, but now my desire for children started to really kick in. So, we started on that path only to discover it isn't as easy as we thought it would be. While we tried...months (and now a year) went by and nearly every single friend got pregnant (and have since delivered) while I waited for my turn.

Again, clearly...that wasn't in the cards for us yet. So, while I yearn for children, my desire to have a dog has not gone away.

Bare with my while I share a story...

I had an interesting conversation today with a woman who is quite a bit older than me, and whoes husband is also in a PhD program (he's in the dissertation phase). She reminded me that even though Mike and I are working together toward the goal of having his degree complete so that I can stay home with children, I should not let my dreams and desires fall by the wayside.

After a lengthy conversation, I realized that I had been putting my life on hold because I kept thinking...we'll be done soon...just another 6 months...or another year. Well, unfortunately PhD programs are quite a bit more challenging than I think either of us realized and the program is taking longer than we thought.

So, after some heartfelt conversation with Mike, we've made a desision! While it doesn't make the most sense to have children at the moment (even if we could), what's stopping us from having a dog?! So, we're going to talk with the property manager and see what it would take to change our lease so we can get a puppy!!!

We'd like to get a cockapoo...


Aren't they the cutest little guys you've ever seen?!

There are still some hurdles to jump. The biggest is that we have to convince the owner to let us have a dog. I'm praying that this process will go smoothly since we'll be able to tell him what kind of dog we want (he should be less than 20 lbs) and that he's even hypoallergenic.

If you think of it, please be in prayer for us. I would just be so blessed if we could bring one of these little furbabies home with us soon!

While we can't have kids least I can have a dog! (hopefully...)


  1. Oh...the little brown one is so very cute! You have always been an animal lover, especially dogs. If you can figure it out, it would great for you to get one now. Babies now or babies later, you'll love and enjoy the dog in the before and after. Love you!

  2. I fully agree, mom! I'm trying so hard not to get too excited, because it still might not happen. I've been doing a lot of praying though! :)
