
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

All I really want for Christmas... a snuggly, fluffy, gentle, loving dog.

I've wanted a dog for years. First, I couldn't have one because we lived in an apartment and besides...I was too practical to spend money on a dog when I knew we'd be having children in the next year or so.

Well...clearly that hasn't happened. So, I continued to want a dog, but now my desire for children started to really kick in. So, we started on that path only to discover it isn't as easy as we thought it would be. While we tried...months (and now a year) went by and nearly every single friend got pregnant (and have since delivered) while I waited for my turn.

Again, clearly...that wasn't in the cards for us yet. So, while I yearn for children, my desire to have a dog has not gone away.

Bare with my while I share a story...

I had an interesting conversation today with a woman who is quite a bit older than me, and whoes husband is also in a PhD program (he's in the dissertation phase). She reminded me that even though Mike and I are working together toward the goal of having his degree complete so that I can stay home with children, I should not let my dreams and desires fall by the wayside.

After a lengthy conversation, I realized that I had been putting my life on hold because I kept thinking...we'll be done soon...just another 6 months...or another year. Well, unfortunately PhD programs are quite a bit more challenging than I think either of us realized and the program is taking longer than we thought.

So, after some heartfelt conversation with Mike, we've made a desision! While it doesn't make the most sense to have children at the moment (even if we could), what's stopping us from having a dog?! So, we're going to talk with the property manager and see what it would take to change our lease so we can get a puppy!!!

We'd like to get a cockapoo...


Aren't they the cutest little guys you've ever seen?!

There are still some hurdles to jump. The biggest is that we have to convince the owner to let us have a dog. I'm praying that this process will go smoothly since we'll be able to tell him what kind of dog we want (he should be less than 20 lbs) and that he's even hypoallergenic.

If you think of it, please be in prayer for us. I would just be so blessed if we could bring one of these little furbabies home with us soon!

While we can't have kids least I can have a dog! (hopefully...)

Monday, August 30, 2010

We built a shed!

For those of you that have asked. Here are pictures of our adventures in shed-making!
Step one: Make a level foundation. I don't have any pictures of this, but it took a LONG time to do!
Step two: Put the sides up:

Beautiful sunset...

Step four: consult the directions... (see all of our lovely plants?!)

Step 5: DONE! Now we're putting together a shelf that we had to go in it.

"Which end is up??"

This is all of the junk that had to go in the shed:

And finally the finished product! We need to fix the one corner that has a piece of wood sticking out, but other than's perfect!


Just as I got on a roll...I get sick. I've been down with bronchitis for almost two weeks now. After a full weekend on the couch, I'm starting to feel a bit better.

My voice still sounds really funny though.

Someone told me I sound like a teddy bear today...

...what does a teddy bear sound like?! :)


Monday, August 23, 2010

Project complete!

I love to start new projects! Unfortunately, I rarely complete them. So, I'm so proud of myself that I've managed to start and finish one whole project!

After we moved into our newest place, I purchased a small round kitchen table from someone on craigslist. It was the perfect size, but the fabric on the cushions really needed help and it had a fair amount of paint splatters and imperfections on it. It was something I knew I could do, so I got it.

First, I used some wood refinisher to brighten the whole thing up and give it new life. I can't remember the name off the top of my head, but if you're interested, I'll get the product info. The previous owner reupholstered two chairs. Here's what it looked like post wood refinisher and pre-new fabric:

The one on the left is 'new fabric' the one on the right is the original fabric. You can't see it from the picture, but the stuff is naaastaaay!!

Second, I removed the seat from the chair, took off the old fabric and cut a piece of the new stuff making sure to leave enough room on the edges so it would fold properly.

Next, I got out my staple gun and made nice neat corners! I'm so proud!

Finally, I re-attached the seats to the frame and enjoyed the fruits of my labor!

Excuse me! You have something on your face!

Have you ever gotten home from a particularly busy day at work...or out running errands, or ministering at church only to find that the amazing lunch you had has made itself known to everyone you meet. Each person you have spoken to...or smiled at now knows that you had something fantastic with lots of spices in it! They smile, say hello, perhaps have a lengthy conversation with you and say NOTHING!!

How is possible to go through the entire day with a big huge hunk of food stuck between your two front teeth and no one has said a WORD!?

I was walking across campus this afternoon to get some lunch and I passed a young woman, probably around my own age. She was a bit heavier set, but dressed very nicely for her first day of classes. As I got closer to her, I noticed that the bottom button of her beautiful plumb blouse was undone, showing perhaps a bit more skin than she had anticipated. I casually walked past and thought, "Oh, poor girl!" But since I was a stranger, I did nothing, said nothing and simply walked on to get my lunch.

This got me thinking. What if that was ME?! What if I was the one walking across campus with my pooch hanging out? Wouldn't I want someone to stop and tell me? Wouldn't I be thankful for the stranger that cared enough about me to stop, be a bit embarrassed for a moment, but save me hours of humiliation?

I always thought I was the friend that could be counted on to tell someone if they had food in their teeth, a smudge on their face, lint on their backside. I think I am...but now, maybe I can become the stranger to do the same for those I don't even know.

That's my own personal challenge. I will be a friend to the stranger with food in her teeth!

Dear lady with the pretty purple top,
Your bottom button is undone. You might want to fix that!
Love, A caring stranger

PS- I'm sorry I didn't say something sooner!

Friday, August 20, 2010

The Blindside

I finally watched it last night. Man...what a powerful story. And to think that it's REAL!

It got me thinking. What if we ALL took the time to get to know a child who needed support because he/she didn't have any at home? What would the world look like if every single Christian family took the time to invest in someone else's life? What would MY life look like if I found just one child to pour my life, and God's love into?

You may be thinking, I could NEVER do what she did. I don't have the money, the space, the time or the energy to take someone into my home and care for him/her as my own. That's ok, because I certainly don't have the space or the money to care for anyone else right now.

So, what can we do? What can I do?

For now, I'll be praying for an opportunity to give back to those that are less fortunate. I'm excited to see what God reveals!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The best of times...the craziest of times!

Will life ever slow down? I'm beginning to think not!

Gone are the days of childhood when an afternoon felt like a year, and math class felt like and eternity. Now, an afternoon seems to happen in the blink of an eye, and a year flies by faster than I could have ever imagined it would.

We moved two months ago...and we just finally got the last of the organizing done and all...well, most, of the pictures up on the walls. Where has the time gone? It seemed like yesterday that we were making the millions of sweaty trips from the car to the house and from the condo to the new townhouse.

Our summer has been quite full. We moved, we went on vacation, we got sick on a tent (story for another time), we've started a monthly Wednesday night dinner and worship service, made new friends, visited old ones, I went on a women's retreat and somewhere in the middle of all of that I've found time to go to work!

In an effort to keep the pace of life going at the rate it has been, I'm searching for jobs for Mike. This is quite the undertaking, as there are few places where faculty positions are posted centrally. I've started casually looking, but in the next month or so, I'll begin 'the spreadsheet'!

So...for heart is thinking about next summer...but my brain is enjoying every moment of this rainy day in August!