
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Pictures of Bella

I don't have a ton of time and I'm exhausted, so I'll keep this short. They're not the best, but here are a few pictures of our new puppy!


  1. Bella is beautiful . . . hence why you chose to call her 'Bella.' She is adorable; Emma & Joshua would enjoy meeting her, so do you plan to bring her to NY when you come back to visit?

  2. She's so cute! Can't wait to see her in person. Hopefully when you come for Thanksgiving.
    Love you!

  3. She is beautiful! We'll bring her with us when we come home for Thanksgiving so she can meet everyone.

    Michele- We'll probably only have the Saturday morning after Thanksgiving available for visiting though. I'll catch up with you once our details are a little more clear!
