
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Life changes...

How do women with infants...or new puppy parents find time to do anything?!?!

So far in the last week, I've managed to do 3 loads of laundry, on three separate days, with help folding from my wonderful husband! Though the housework has been slightly lacking, I have found it's much easier to cook and keep the kitchen tidy. Why? Because we can lock the puppy in the kitchen with us and she can't get into trouble! Hooray!

Having Bella has caused a radical life changing shift for lots of good ways!
1. I now go to bed at exactly 10:00 every single night. Bella goes out and in her crate and off to bed I go.
2. I get up promptly at 6:30 every single morning. Woah...I know! Gone are the days of hitting the snooze button for 30 minutes to an hour! The alarm goes off...and I get up.
3. I watch far less television. Though the TV is on almost all the time, I rarely pay attention. Why, you ask? Our little Bella is a bundle of energy from about 5-7:30, takes a short nap and then plays again from 8-9. So, unless I want to sit in the kitchen all night, I have to keep my eyes on her the entire time. Oh, and did I mention I'm sitting, crawling, running after her and kneeling on the floor the entire night!? :)
4. We eat at at home every single night. Now, we have ordered in a couple of times, but this is a MAJOR life shift for us. We're used to eating out numerous times during the week. This is one of the more interesting changes for us. While I love being at home and sharing our meals together there, I do miss some of the freedom to be able to just head out the door to grab a bite to eat and see a movie. I have to say though, this change has been good for our budget! ;-)
5. I don't go anywhere in the least for a little while. Bella has to be restricted to being in our back yard or a small area at church until she gets her second, and more likely her third round of shots. We can take her places and hold her, but where is she going to go to the bathroom? So, I stay in. I also stay in because I don't want her sleeping all evening and then being wired all night. If you know me, you know I need my beauty sleep! :)

I imagine all of these changes happen when you have children, so we're just making the adjustment sooner. I suppose once she gets a little bit bigger, we'll have more freedom again, but for now, life has changed dramatically!

We absolutely love our little bundle of fuzzy puppy! She brings joy, smiles and laughter to everyone that sees her and these life changes are worth it for her! :)

1 comment:

  1. Although it is a challenge and an adjustment, little Bella has truly brought you and Mike so many good changes to your life! You have a routine schedule, you're eating healthier, spending less money, and more active. On top of that she brings a lot of love and joy into your home! What more can you ask for? Having a puppy sounds like a LOT of work, but just like you said, as she get older it will probably get easier...she'll calm down. I'm so glad you are able to share your experiences with us!
